Apply For 1:1 Mentorship

With proven strategies, you’ll boost your profitability, optimize your time, and enhance your skills as a wedding business owner.

A Joyful and Profitable Wedding Business Should Be the Norm, Not the Exception.

You don't want another course, you want a mentor and partner

the services you provide
AND the wedding industry

Wearing Multiple Hats: You're a one-person powerhouse, juggling everything from daily operations, customer service, and marketing to financial management, administration, and business growth. The challenge is real and it's time for a change.

Loneliness and Information Overload: The internet is a sea of contradictions and it can feel like you're adrift without a lifeline. When questions arise, who do you turn to? You need a reliable source of guidance.

Confusion and Lack of Clarity: Every step forward seems to blur the big picture rather than clarify it. When you're too close to the details, it can be challenging to see your strategic vision.

Industry Flux: The wedding industry is dynamic and ever-changing, impacting both the market and your marketing efforts. It's crucial to stay agile and adapt to these changes effectively.

But, building a successful wedding business isn't always a glamorous walk down the aisle

You Love


I get it. I get ALL. OF. IT.

Including the marketing and sales strategies that work in today's market!

MarketingThe  Old  Way

One or Two Marketing Tactics = Bookings

MarketingThe  New  Way

Multi-Tactic Approach (aka Marketing Strategy) = Bookings

Now you need support and guidance from someone who’s been in your shoes and helped hundreds of wedding pros build and scale their business.

Albert Einstein

Insanity is doing
the same thing over
and over again and expecting different results.

Ready For Different Results!

To no longer wonder if you’re doing it “right”

To no longer feel like you have to consume a million pieces of content or like there’s ALWAYS something else you don’t know or need to learn.

To be able to stop second-guessing, obsessing, and overthinking.

To have a business that is a well-oiled machine that you can run and scale for years to come.

To build a business that works FOR YOU (all of you – your life, your time, your other commitments).

To make the money that you used to only dream about, but secretly knew you were meant for.

Ultimately, I want for you what
YOU want for you.

Ready for a business that's sustainable, profitable, scalable and actually Feels good to Run?

(without all the illusive tactics that promise to “solve everything” but leave you feeling even more stuck?)




Well, I'm with you every step of the way...

through these three essential components

If we put these elements together in your business in the right way and you show up for them, you will see results. I can’t promise you EXACTLY what those will be or EXACTLY how long it will take, but I can tell you these are the essential ingredients to getting what you want.

My promise to you is that I will show up 100% for our work together. 

In this mentorship program, you'll learn...

A true partner (I want you to feel deeply supported in your business and know that we’re in this together)

Relevant templates, materials, and other content tailored to you and your growth so that you have exactly what you need to move forward the fastest

Grow your business with proven strategies

Get more efficient with your time

Be more profitable and make more money

Grow your skills as a business owner

more than just how to Market your business. YOU'LL LEARN HOW TO FORECAST, PLAN And STRATEGIZE YOUR WAY TO achieve Your Goals.

3 months of support


what's included


Marketing Material Audits

30, 60 and 90 Day Strategy

Support On Demand 24/7

60 Minute Strategy Session




THREE payments

Includes 3 Months of 1:1 Mentorship, plus Strategy Session, On Demand Support 24/7, Marketing Materials Audit, 30, 60, 90 Day Strategy and Deep Dive Diagnostic.

3 month minimum, then month to month

Whatever Your Goals Are, I’ve Been Where You Are At and Can Coach You To Where You Want to Go.

I'm with you every step of the way...

Olivia - Elegant outcomes WI


The best decision I ever made!

"I came across Carissa when I least expected it. I was deciding which direction I wanted to take my business. I was kind of struggling to find my ideal client. Working with couples who I was not a great fit for and kind of struggling through the wedding planning process. I came across her content club and was a little skeptical. I'm not great with social media. I don't have a social media strategy and I wasn't sure what to be posting. I just went ahead and and figured I would see how it went. And after speaking with her a little bit more, I decided to take the leap into Couples To Closing (previously called Brides To Bookings) and I've never looked back. Working with her has been amazing. She's completely transformed my business. We have been growing exponentially, and I owe it all to Carissa."

cheyenne carter - Streamline virtual solutions

Gatekeep coloring book raclette, slow-carb wayfarers ugh hexagon asymmetrical sartorial roof party heirloom fam chicharrones distillery.

I can't believe my growth!

Vegan health goth kale chips butcher gastropub street art disrupt fanny pack waistcoat. Church-key synth man braid, kitsch listicle waistcoat keffiyeh pour-over gochujang skateboard yuccie raclette. Intelligentsia cornhole banh mi raclette. 

allison brackett - firefly creative co.

Gatekeep coloring book raclette, slow-carb wayfarers ugh hexagon asymmetrical sartorial roof party heirloom fam chicharrones distillery.

Kimberly is the best coach!

Vegan health goth kale chips butcher gastropub street art disrupt fanny pack waistcoat. Church-key synth man braid, kitsch listicle waistcoat keffiyeh pour-over gochujang skateboard yuccie raclette. Intelligentsia cornhole banh mi raclette. 

60 Minute Strategy Session Via Zoom

Our Strategy Session is the first step to your coaching success. The more I learn about you and your business the better I can support you so you can achieve your goals and that growth you’re looking for. 

here's a recap of what's included...

30, 60 and 90 Day Strategy

During your strategy session we will develop your 30, 60 and 90 day strategy and plan so the time that we work together you will have a clear and focused vision and actionable steps helping you achieve your goals.

Marketing Material Audits

Need my eyes on something you created (website, email, social media posts, brochures, marketing materials, automations, funnels, workflows, or any other marketing materials), submit an audit request and I will review and provide a video recording with my feedback. 

Business & Marketing Deep Dive Diagnostic

We will dive into each piece of your marketing and business, so we can uncover the quickest changes and tweaks, so you can see an ROI quickly.
Marketing Deep Dive, Sales Deep Dive, Revenue Deep Dive

Support On Demand 
Available 24/7

We don’t always know when we want or need support, so my support on demand allows you to get your questions answered or support when you need it. 

You can text or voice message me anytime 24/7 with your questions or with anything that has you stuck and I will respond to help you keep moving forward. The support fits around you, your business and when you like to work. You get so much more detailed support.

and here's what I know about you:

Hi, I’m

You are passionate about the services you provide. You love the wedding industry. Your couples rave about you. 

And yet… You're still feeling stuck in one or more places in your business.

If that statement hits you right in the heart, you’re exactly where you need to be. I believe more heart-centered wedding pros should be loving their business. 
You could be in an entirely different place in just 3 months with a partner who is truly there to support you.



Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! This is customized support for all wedding pros in any stage of business (newly starting, been in business for a few years or seasoned). We will develop your own strategy that meets you where you are at in your business.

I'm just starting my business, will this help me?

Your 3 months will start the day we have your 60 minute Strategy Session, so you will get the full 3 months of support.

When do I start? 

If you’re still here, reading this after reading the entire sales page, and something inside you goes “I’m interested”, it’s probably for you. Completing the application is the next step. I will let you know after reviewing your application and chatting if I think there might be something else that would be a better fit.

How do I know if this is right for me?

There will be a 5 question form that you will complete that will provide me with the document or link and any information I need to provide a review. I will review it within 5 business days and provide you a video with my feedback. 

HOw do I submit something for you to review?

Lisa Alvarez, Wedding Planner

My business flourished, 

Thanks to her and the boost in my social media presence. The diverse wedding content is gold, covering every aspect with step-by-step guidance.

Nancy, WEdding Photographer

I just booked a wedding with my new strategy

Carissa makes it so easy to know what to do step-by-step to create a marketing strategy that has brides wanting to book my services.


are you ready to Try a new approach and implement different strategies that will get you to where you want to go.

I t's now or never...